
Kim Kardashian Would Love to Get Away, But...

Look, people, Kim Kardashian, to love all that away. Do you really think she enjoys being the center of attention all the time ... Raking in cash. Please.

Australian Sunrise program this morning in an interview yesterday - Kim and Khloe in Down Under to promote her visit, handbags fans - Kim claimed to be stressful to answer questions, his divorce. But what choice he has.
"We want to share the great times," he lamented. "But then when I want some time for yourself, and some private time, you are not entitled, in essence, how the public is difficult, and I'm glad I'm here in Australia, in my opinion is everything"

Yes, folks, it is difficult when one is forced to the public, to announce the promotion of the clothing lines, interviews, about how much money are made ​​out of his 72-day marriage. Kim Kardashian needs your sympathy.

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