The novel narrates a story of a young college graduate who is introduced to the world of bondage and kinky sex after manipulative billionaire Christian Grey.
"Everyone says that read" fifty shades of Grey. I do not really understand. But everyone on the plane was reading it, and I was like, "I should probably just get it '.
"" I have not read it, I do not even understand, but yes, it sounds awesome. Anything racy, hot. Sure, let's get hot, "she said.
Recently, Selena Gomez refused to play the lead character in the flick, saying that the role was "too strong" for her and said that a senior should take the part.
On another occasion, the author of "American Psyco 'on Bret Easton Ellis that Scarlett Johansson should take on the role and he even offered to write a script in a series of tweets.
"I'm putting myself out there to write the movie adaptation ['Fifty shades of Grey' in] ... this is no joke Christian Gray and Ana. Possibly great film characters," he tweeted.
"Thinking more generally for Ana in fifty shades of Grey ... Scarlett Johansson or Kristen Stewart," he added.
"Everyone says that read" fifty shades of Grey. I do not really understand. But everyone on the plane was reading it, and I was like, "I should probably just get it '.
"" I have not read it, I do not even understand, but yes, it sounds awesome. Anything racy, hot. Sure, let's get hot, "she said.
Recently, Selena Gomez refused to play the lead character in the flick, saying that the role was "too strong" for her and said that a senior should take the part.
On another occasion, the author of "American Psyco 'on Bret Easton Ellis that Scarlett Johansson should take on the role and he even offered to write a script in a series of tweets.
"I'm putting myself out there to write the movie adaptation ['Fifty shades of Grey' in] ... this is no joke Christian Gray and Ana. Possibly great film characters," he tweeted.
"Thinking more generally for Ana in fifty shades of Grey ... Scarlett Johansson or Kristen Stewart," he added.