
Michaele Salahi I Take The 5th on Adultery

Michaele Salahi will neither confirm nor deny that Journey guitarist Neal collapsed Even after her husband ... this new legal basis docs.

It turned out, adultery is a crime in Virginia ... and if they sleep around with Michaele Beautiful, Tareq Salahi married while she was content that they can be punished by the law.

So instead of reacting to charges including Tareq crown in his divorce - Michael has turned out, in which she documents "privilege claims to respond in accordance with the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States."

In addition, admission to adultery Michaele severe disadvantage could put in her divorce proceedings - because, as we first reported, pre-nup few sentences ... If you commit adultery, Michaele, she takes nothing for spousal support.

it is not the word - because it was already by Tareq Michaele when they started from Neal divided. The couple is celebrating their four-month anniversary on Friday.

For the record - the crime of adultery in Virginia is considered a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of $ 250.

If you are not with amendment 5 .... Here is a lesson from Dave Chappelle:

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